Our Founding Story

Dear Reader,

As 2019 was drawing to a close, my uncle, who had spent over 20 years building his travel business in Vancouver, Canada, found himself facing an unexpected challenge—hiring and retaining talent. Despite his experience and dedication, Canada was grappling with a severe talent shortage, and the few employees he managed to hire were frequently leaving. This constant turnover was wreaking havoc on his payroll, and he was struggling to keep his business afloat.

During one of our regular FaceTime calls, we found ourselves brainstorming potential solutions. Should we outsource to a BPO? Could we find a way to stabilise his workforce? Then, a simple yet powerful idea struck us: why not hire employees to work remotely? We had all the tools and technology needed now a days to enable remote work, so why not leverage them?

So, I began hiring for him—starting small, with just one remote employee in India. But as that hire proved successful, we added another, and then another. Before long, I had hired 21 employees for him, all working remotely from India, providing the support my uncle desperately needed. At first, it was just me, helping out a family member. There was nothing particularly special about it—just a simple process that we refined over time. Eventually, we even brought on a recruiter to help manage the growing team. What had started as a side project quickly became a major focus.

Then, in 2020, as the world was gripped by the COVID-19 pandemic, my uncle’s travel business, like so many others, faced unprecedented challenges. But thanks to the remote team we had built, he was able to sustain his operations during those difficult times. It was in 2021, as I continued navigating this new landscape, that I came across a tweet that would change everything.
The tweet, from two of the world’s most prominent entrepreneurs, Patrick Collison and Elon Musk, highlighted how major companies were benefiting from the incredible talent pool in India.

It sparked a realisation in me: why should access to this talent be reserved only for top companies with deep pockets and the resources to set up infrastructure or navigate complex immigration processes? Why couldn’t small business owners, startup founders, and solopreneurs—those often working with tighter budgets and smaller teams—also benefit from hiring top Indian talent remotely?

It had worked superbly for my uncle, allowing him to keep his business afloat during the pandemic.

This realisation led to the creation of Grow Remotely. We set out with a clear mission: to democratise access to world-class remote talent, making it possible for small businesses, startups, and entrepreneurs to hire the best remote professionals from India, all while keeping their costs in check. We wanted to make it easy, affordable, and effective to build a remote team that could help businesses not just survive, but thrive.

What began as a simple favour for a family member has now grown into something much bigger—a movement to empower businesses worldwide by connecting them with the exceptional talent that India has to offer. I believe that geography should never be a barrier to success and that every business, no matter its size, should have the opportunity to achieve greatness with the right team by its side.

Thank you for being part of this journey. Together, we are not just building teams; we are building futures.

Warm regards,
Hunar Syal
Founder & CEO, Grow Remotely